Functional Strength Training: Definition, Health Benefits, and How to Get Started:

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Functional strength training has popped up so often recently that it’s probably grabbed your attention. The overall category of functional fitness training, which includes strength training, even nabbed fifth place on the American College of Sports Medicine’s (ACSM) worldwide survey of fitness trends for 2023.

What Is Functional Strength Training?

What Is Functional Strength Training?
What is Functional Strength Training

What Is Functional Training

What Is Functional Strength Training?

Exercises & Equipment

Potential Health Benefits of Functional Strength Training

Potential Health Benefits of Functional Strength Training

There’s plenty of research to support the health perks of functional strength training. Let’s look at the primary benefits.

Greater Muscle Strength

Because functional strength training involves resistance exercises, it can help you build stronger muscles. And muscle strength is beneficial for anyone, regardless of age or ability level.

For example, it can help older adults prevent or improve frailty, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A past review of 13 studies found that functional strength training is an effective approach to building muscle strength in older adults. In one of the studies in the review, frail older adults who performed a 12-week functional strength-training program saw significant improvements in leg strength (lower levels of leg strength are associated with frailty) than those who did not.

Functional strength training also benefits athletes. In a study published in August 2022 in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, young soccer players who participated in a 10-month functional strength-training program saw significant improvements in maximum strength, though not as much as players who did a traditional strength training program.

Improved Physical Ability in Older Adults

It’s common for people to lose strength and mobility as they age. Unfortunately, this can make daily activities difficult, if not impossible. And losing the ability to do the activities of daily living (ADLs), or routine tasks essential for independent living, can be unsafe and reduce your quality of life, per an article in StatPearls.

By training the movement patterns you need to perform ADLs (walking, getting out of bed, dressing), functional strength training can help you stay active and independent as you age.

In one study published in May 2023 in Life, older adults with mild cognitive impairment who participated in a 12-week high-intensity functional training program that included a strength component saw significant improvements in balance, stability, and ADLs. Meanwhile, those who received only general recommendations on the benefits of exercise saw no change.

And the same review that found functional strength training builds muscle strength showed that two to three weekly sessions lasting 45 to 60 minutes can also produce significant improvements in balance and ADL ability.

Lower Injury Risk

Fitness professionals consider resistance training essential for reducing injury risk, particularly in athletes.

A past study of 52 young soccer players found that those who incorporated two to three strength sessions into their weekly routine for 12 weeks experienced significantly fewer injuries than those who didn’t strength train. Out of 17 total injuries for the season, only four occurred in the strength group.

While the research in functional strength training and injuries is limited, it’s probably safe to assume that it has a similar effect on injury risk given that, as Wall notes, it’s about teaching the body to move better.

Is Functional Strength Training Good for Weight Loss?

Functional Strength Training

Weight loss may not be the aim of functional strength training, but it’s often a result.

In one study, middle-aged adults who participated in an eight-week functional strength training program saw significant improvements in body fat and body mass compared with adults who participated in a traditional strength-training program. The researchers say that functional strength training is better for weight loss because it activates more muscles at once, which increases your calorie burn.

An earlier study reported similar results: Older women experienced a significant reduction in body fat percentage after 12 weeks of functional strength training.

“Building muscle is truly the secret to the best fat loss results possible,” says Cori Lefkowith, a NASM-certified personal trainer and the owner of Redefining Strength in Orange County, California. “Muscle is metabolically costly — the more muscle we have, the more calories we burn at rest, and the easier the fat loss process will be.”

Gear: Equipment You’ll Need for Functional Strength Training

You don’t need any equipment for functional strength training — you can do it with just your body weight. But incorporating workout tools can make functional strength training more challenging and, in some cases, more enjoyable. Consider getting these items.

Dumbbells Dumbbells are a great way to add intensity to bodyweight exercises and are available in different shapes and materials. James Shapiro, a NASM-certified personal trainer and sports performance coach in Los Angeles, recommends dumbbells with hexagonal weights on each end and knurling (texture) on the handle. The hexagonal shape keeps the weights from rolling when you set them down or if you hold onto them during push-ups. Shapiro says a knurled handle is easier to grip than a smooth handle.

Kettlebells Kettlebells are another option for adding weight to your exercises. They’re shaped like a cannonball with a handle on the top, making them better than a dumbbell for certain moves that build explosive strength, like swings and snatches. But kettlebells can also be used for traditional strength exercises like squats, dead lifts, and bent-over rows.

When shopping for a kettlebell, consider functionality over appearance. Kettlebells made of plain cast iron may not look exciting, but they’re more comfortable to grip than ones with brightly colored rubber or vinyl coatings. “In most cases, kettlebells that look nice and shiny have very smooth handles, which can prove counterproductive with swings or when your hand gets a bit sweaty,” Shapiro says. You’ll likely find that the handle sticks to your palm instead of gliding over it, which can cause blisters.

Resistance bands Resistance bands add weight to exercises, and they’re much lighter and easier to store at home than dumbbells or kettlebells. They come in various tension levels, along with different styles, including long, flat bands, different-sized flat loops, and elastic tubing with interchangeable handles, per Cleveland Clinic. You can add them to arm and leg exercises.

Exercise mat Use an exercise mat to protect your floors from getting dinged by dumbbells and cushion your knees and back during floor exercises. It can also provide a non-slip surface if your floors are smooth. Look for a thinner exercise mat with minimal cushioning. “You want some support but you don’t want to feel like you’re walking on a mattress,” Shapiro says. A mat that’s too thick and cushioned won’t provide a stable base, which may cause you to feel wobbly during exercises.

Shoes Lefkowith encourages her clients to wear cross-training shoes with little to no cushioning (known as minimalist shoes) when lifting, “so they can have a better connection to the ground.” Avoid running shoes and other cushioned footwear, as these styles don’t provide the stability needed for strength exercises.

How to Get Started With a Functional Strength-Training Workout

Once you have your motivation and your gear, you’ll just need to learn which exercises to do and how to do them safely. Consider these tips.

Start With Bodyweight-Only Exercises

When you’re just starting out, it’s a good idea to hold off on adding weight until you learn the correct movement patterns. For example, if you’re learning to do a walking lunge, practice it empty-handed before picking up dumbbells, Wall says. Doing strength exercises incorrectly opens you to pain and injury — a risk that’s compounded when you make the movement more intense by adding weight.

Once you’ve nailed proper form, you can take it up a notch with weights.

Hire a Personal Trainer or Strength Coach

Plus, a qualified fitness professional can create a customized functional strength training program that addresses your individual movement goals and weaknesses. That can spare you time and frustration trying to figure it out yourself.

Take a Class

“A functional strength-training class could be a good option for some people,” Wall says, in particular, people who are more motivated in group settings or interested in experimenting with different fitness styles before committing to a program.

You can find functional strength classes at many gyms and fitness centers, including the YMCA. Note that some places use the term “functional fitness training” to encompass both strength and cardio elements.

A 15-Minute Functional Strength Training Workout

Lefkowith designed the following workout as an introduction to functional strength training. Perform the routine once a week as part of a well-rounded strength training program, giving yourself at least one rest day in between workouts.

Warm-up for five minutes by doing light cardio (like walking or jogging) and massaging out any tight muscles. Then, set a timer for 15 minutes and do the following exercises in order.

Do 5 to 10 repetitions of each exercise, or per side for single-sided exercises. Pick a weight that allows you to get through all the repetitions with proper form, but is heavy enough that the final reps are challenging.

Once you finish the last exercise, go back to the top and repeat. Keep going until time runs out, resting as needed.

Get-Up Lunge

  • Stand with your feet close together. Then, sit back into a mini squat: with feet facing forward, slowly bend at the hips. Push out your buttocks as if you were planning to sit, and lower your body until your knees are flexed to 45 degrees.
  • From this position, step one foot behind you and place your knee on the ground into a half-kneeling position.
  • Bring the other leg back so you’re fully kneeling. (Place a pad under your knees if that isn’t comfortable.
  • Stand back up one leg at a time until you’re back in a mini squat.
  • Repeat by stepping back with the opposite foot. Alternate sides with each repetition.
  • Keep your chest up and back flat throughout the movement.
  • Hold a weight at your chest to make the exercise harder.

Rotational Standing Chest Press With Resistance Band

  • Anchor a resistance band to something that’s at or just below your chest height.
  • Facing away from the anchor point, hold the other end of the resistance band against your chest with your palm facing the ground.
  • Walk forward until you feel tension in the band.
  • Stagger your stance so the foot on the same side as the band is slightly back. The front foot should point forward.
  • Rotate your torso slightly back toward the anchor point, keeping tension in the band.
  • Press the band away from your chest as you rotate your torso to face forward. Squeeze your back glute as you straighten your arm.
  • Bring the handle back toward your chest as you rotate your torso back toward the anchor.
  • Repeat until you’ve completed all reps on one side. Then switch sides.

Kettlebell Swing

  • Begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with a kettlebell or dumbell on the floor about a foot in front of you.
  • Bend your legs slightly, hinge your torso forward, and grip the handles of the kettlebell with both hands.
  • Keeping your shoulders down and back straight, hike the kettlebell back and up between your legs.
  • Then extend your hips forcefully to standing and swing the kettlebell upward with straight arms.
  • When the kettlebell reaches chest-height, bend your knees and hinge forward again, pulling the kettlebell back between your legs.
  • Repeat, keeping your movements fluid and explosive.

Plank Anti-Rotational Pull-Through With Resistance Band

  • Anchor a resistance band to something close to the ground like a table leg.
  • Get in a high plank position on the floor with your feet about hip-width apart and your hands under your shoulders. Set up with the anchor point next to you, about even with your hands but far enough away to create tension.
  • Hold the resistance band with the hand furthest from the anchor point, bringing the band under your chest.
  • With your arm straight, pull the band out to the side until your arm is parallel to the ground.
  • Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. Repeat until you’ve completed all repetitions on one side. Then, switch sides.
  • Don’t rotate your torso or let your hips sag or lift throughout the movement.
  • To make the exercise easier, drop to your knees in a modified plank.


Functional strength training is a form of resistance exercise that improves movement efficiency to make daily activities easier. It focuses on compound exercises that recruit multiple large muscle groups and movement in different directions. Functional strength training builds muscle strength, lowers injury risk, helps with weight loss, and may help older adults live independently longer.

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