1. High Knees 

Raise your knees to hip level while engaging your core. Alternate quickly.

Raise your knees to hip level while engaging your core. Alternate quickly.

2. Standing Bicycle Crunch

Twist your torso as you bring your elbow to the opposite knee.

3. Side Leg Lifts

Lift one leg sideways while keeping your core tight.

Lift one leg sideways while keeping your core tight.

4. Standing Oblique Crunch

Bend to the side, bringing your elbow to the knee.

Bend to the side, bringing your elbow to the knee.

5. Standing Woodchop 

5. Standing Woodchop 

Swing your arms diagonally as if chopping wood.

Swing your arms diagonally as if chopping wood.

6. Forward Leg Lift

Lift one leg straight in front while engaging your abs. 

Lift one leg straight in front while engaging your abs. 

7. Standing Toe Touch

Reach opposite hand to your foot, keeping your core stable. 

Reach opposite hand to your foot, keeping your core stable. 

8. Reverse Lunge with Twist 

Step back into a lunge and twist your torso to the side. 

Step back into a lunge and twist your torso to the side. 

9. Hip Circles 

Rotate your hips in wide circles, engaging your core. 

Rotate your hips in wide circles, engaging your core. 

10. Standing Side Crunch 

10. Standing Side Crunch 

Raise one knee to the side while crunching your torso towards it. 

Raise one knee to the side while crunching your torso towards it.