1. Dead Bug 

The Dead Bug is a fantastic exercise for engaging the deep core muscles while also challenging your coordination.

2. Plank Variation

The plank is a classic core exercise, but by adding variations, you can target different parts of the core.

3. Hollow Body Hold

The Hollow Body Hold is a staple in gymnastics for developing core strength.

4. Bird Dog

The Bird Dog exercise targets the core while also engaging the lower back.

5. Russian Twist

Russian Twists are perfect for targeting the obliques.

6. Pallof Press

The Pallof Press is an anti-rotation exercise that strengthens the deep core muscles.

7. Lying Leg Raise

Lying Leg Raises are excellent for targeting the lower part of the core.

8. Reverse Crunch

The Reverse Crunch focuses on the lower abs and helps improve core strength.

9. Hanging Leg Raise

Hanging Leg Raises are a challenging exercise that targets the entire core.

10. Mountain Climber

Mountain Climbers are a dynamic exercise that also provides a cardiovascular workout.

11. Ab Wheel Rollout

The Ab Wheel Rollout is a powerful exercise for building core strength.

12. Cable Woodchop

The Cable Woodchop is a great exercise for engaging the obliques and improving rotational strength.